Mayor Stubbs took his duties seriously and could be seen out and about the town drinking catnip-spiked water from margarita glasses and ruling with an iron paw. So yes, tabby is not a breed of cats neither is it a color of cats. Probably tigers because they look like a little tigers. In 1998, the town elected an orange kitty named Stubbs in a write-in campaign. The tabby pattern is thought to be the pattern of the cat ancestors. While it’s a documented cat fact that kitties can indeed hold jobs, a small town in Alaska took it to a whole new level. Mackerel tabby, with the distinctive striped pattern and forehead M. He even earned two Patsy awards-the animal actor equivalent of an Oscar. A tabby is any domestic cat (Felis catus) with a distinctive M-shaped marking on its. The feline actor who played the role was named Orangey and he starred in numerous other films during his 15-year Hollywood career. If you’ve ever seen Breakfast at Tiffany’s, you probably noticed that Audrey Hepburn’s furry companion in the film is a tabby cat. Freddie loved Delilah so much he even dedicated one of his songs to her! Instead of having strong lines on their coat they have spots or. Therefore, it gives them a fishbone structure look.
It’s said he owned around 10 kitties in his lifetime, but the most famous feline in the Mercury family was an enormous tabby cat named Delilah. Spotted tabbies have similar markings to either the mackerel or classic tabby. As you already know, the mackerel tabby cats have a series of stripes branching out from a single, long stripe along their spine. Freddie Mercury is known for being the front man of the iconic band Queen, but behind the scenes the rock star was quite the feline fan.

There is also a thicker stripe that runs along the cat’s spine. The stripes are usually evenly spaced and run vertically down the cat’s side. His beloved feline named, appropriately, Tabby, was the first cat to live in the White House! It’s rumored Lincoln even once seated Tabby at the table during a state dinner. Mackerel tabby cats are also sometimes called tiger cats. President Abraham Lincoln was quite the cat lover. Here are a few of the most famous (and the people who loved them). Tabby cats have stolen plenty of famous hearts throughout history.