To do that, just click on the upload icon in the menu bar (second from the left) - a dialog will show up that explains where to find your save files and how to upload all character progress. The tool allows you to upload your character without having to manually check everything by yourself. When you visit the tool, it will always load your last used profile.

When viewing devotion shrines, you can see whether it’s a desecrated or a ruined shrine and if it’s ruined then the list of offerings needed to restore it.

Devotion shrines and one-shot chests have prerendered map previews, clicking on them will open that shrine/one-shot chest on the World Map.Blueprints and lore notes section are present as well. Currently the checklist includes 5 sections: devotion shrines, one-shot chests and important quests, each section shows your progress for every game difficulty.You can join my discord server to discuss Grim Tools, leave feedback and bug reports. If you want you can support me via Patreon or Buy Me a Coffee.